Thursday, April 1, 2010

April's Reads!

Hey girls!

Happy April! Yay!! I planted a ton of flowers yesterday and had naked babies running around my yard while I sprayed them with the water hose! It's getting warm and I LOVE it!!!

Hope you guys are enjoying spring where you are as well.

I am in the very last pages of 'The Hunger Games' and I flippin LOVE this book!!! I went yesterday to B&N and got 'Catching Fire' because I know when I'm done with this one, I am going to be hungry for more!

So, I know I won't be starting 'The Friday Night Knitting Club' for a couple more days.

You girls start whenever you're ready! I hope more of us are going to be reading together this month! :)


  1. My copy came into the library today -- perfect timing!!! I'm ready whenever you guys are!

  2. I have been such a slacker lately! We went out of town a couple of weeks ago and now family is visiting so I've been awful about getting online even. I have like FOUR review to post, though. So hopefully I'll get around to it this weekend...some of then were really good :) Enjoy Friday Night Knitting Club!

    Oh and Candace, I'm currently reading "Secrets of Eden"...I think you'll like it!

  3. Alynn... I'm hoping to be done with 'Catching Fire' by Sunday, I've got such a busy weekend with family and work, so I don't know how much reading time I'm going to have. So, go ahead and start reading whenever you are ready! :)

    And Erica, can't wait to read your reviews!!! I've got 'Secrets of Eden' on my wishlist at PBS, so hopefully I'll get it soon! :)

  4. I hope to start reading this book soon. We have been out of town all weekend and I have about 500 pages left in the book I am reading.

  5. Well, I'm right there with you, Tempie, I am right in the middle of a book right now too, and I'm SO busy with work right now, that I'm only able to read a little every night in bed, so it'll be a few days before I can start it too.


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